determining male fertility status
Fertility Test
semen Motility
semen Volume
sperm Analysis
sperm Volume
this test should not be used to check patient's sterility following a vasectomy. For such cases, order POSV / Post Vasectomy Check, Semen.
提交给梅奥诊所实验室的精液分析标本不可接受betway中国版fructose testing due to the use of dilution media. For specimen requirements for fructose testing in azoospermia patients, see FROS2 / Fructose,定性,精液。
-semen volume (required)
- 视力
- PH
-一种ppearance (color)
- 性节制的日子
patient Preparation:患者在精液收集时应具有2到7天的性欲,以获得准确的结果。
补给品:精液分析套件 - 稀释介质(T178)
specimen Volume:total ejaculate
2. Measure the volume.
3. Place the specimen into media within 1 hour.
specimen Type | 温度 | 时间 | 特殊容器 |
semen | 周围的 |
determining male fertility status
male infertility can be affected by a number of causes. Chief among these is a decrease in the number of viable sperm. Other causes include sperm with abnormal morphology and abnormalities of the seminal fluid.
音量:> OR = 1.5 ml
ph: > or =7.2
Motile/ml: > or =6.0 x 10(6)
精子/ml: > or =15.0 x 10(6)
运动: > or =40%
等级:>或= 2.5
笔记:multiple laboratory studies have indicated that semen parameters for motility and grade on average retain 80% of original parameters when our shipping method is used for transport. Using these averages, samples with 32% to 39% motility and grade of 2 may be in the normal range if testing was performed shortly after collection. Therefore, these borderline patients may need to collect another sample at a local fertility center to verify fertility status.
motile/ejaculate: > or =9.0 x 10(6)
粘度: > or =3.0
凝集:> OR = 3.0
上室:>或= 58%的活着
semen specimens can vary widely in the same man from specimen to specimen. Semen parameters falling outside of the normal ranges do not preclude fertility for that individual. Multiple samples may need to be analyzed prior to establishing patient's fertility status.
1. Cooper TG, Aitken J, Auger J, et al, eds. WHO laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen. 5th ed. WHO Press; 2010
2. Bjorndahl L, Apolikhin O, Baldi E, et al, eds: WHO laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen. 6th ed. World Health Organization; 2021
the sample is measured for volume and analyzed microscopically to determine the number of sperm present, the number of moving or motile sperm, and the properties of the sperm motility.(wHolaboratory manual for the examination of human semen. 6th ed.世界卫生组织;2021)
test Id | 测试订单名称 | 订单loinc值 |
Fer | semen Analysis | 54231-6 |
result Id | 测试结果名称 | 结果lainc值
ABSTN | 一种bstinence | 10587-4 |
Clst1 | 收集站点 | 56816-2 |
泰 | 研究类型 | 54453-6 |
CNTN | 容器类型 | 74384-9 |
App3 | 一种ppearance | 13359-5 |
VL53 | semen Volume | 3160-9 |
pH1 | ph | 2752-4 |
motml | Motile/ml | 42531-4 |
SPML | 精子/ml | 9780-8 |
moty | 运动 | 6800-7 |
GR2 | 年级 | 13942-8 |
motej | motile/Ejaculate | 6800-7 |
Visc | 粘度 | 32789-0 |
Agglu | 一种gglutination | 33217-1 |
st一种我n | 胸膜污渍 | 4466-9 |
frct | Fructose | 13943-6 |
Cmt45 | 评论 | 48767-8 |